Drop test methods and test conditions for electronic products
Date:2024-05-24 11:20:07 Views:1306
The drop test is mainly used to simulate the free fall that a product may experience during transportation, and to examine the product's ability to withstand unexpected impacts. The drop height is usually based on the weight of the product and the likelihood of it falling as a reference standard. The falling surface should be a smooth, hard and rigid surface made of concrete or steel (if there are special requirements, it should be determined according to the product specifications or customer testing specifications).
1、 What are the requirements for drop testing?
The drop test not only requires the height of the object falling, but also often requires drop testing on the corners, edges, and surfaces of the object during testing. When conducting drop tests on diagonals, edges, and surfaces, there are also relevant standard requirements for the angle at which an item falls:
1. When the angle falls, the error in the angle between the specified surface on the test sample and the impact table shall not exceed ± 5 ° or 10% of this angle (whichever is greater), so that the gravity line of the test sample passes through the angle that has been dropped;
2. When the edge falls, ensure that the maximum angle between the falling edge and the horizontal plane does not exceed 2 °. The error in the angle between the specified surface and the impact table on the test sample is not more than ± 5 ° or 10% of this angle (whichever is greater), so that the gravity line of the test sample passes through the dropped edge;
3. When the surface falls, ensure that the maximum angle between the drop surface of the test sample and the horizontal plane does not exceed 2 °;
4. Regardless of the state and shape of the test sample, the gravity line of the test sample should pass through the point, line, or surface that has been dropped.
2、 Test methods and conditions for drop testing of electronic products
Free fall
Determine the adaptability of the product to falls during rough handling. Free fall is mainly used for non packaged test samples, as well as test samples whose packaging can be used as part of the sample in the transport box.
Test surface: The test surface should be a smooth, hard, and rigid surface made of concrete or steel. When necessary, relevant specifications may specify other surfaces.
Drop height: refers to the height between the test surface and the nearest part of the sample when the test sample is suspended before falling.
Release method: The method of releasing the test sample should allow the test sample to fall freely from the suspended position. When releasing, minimize interference.
Severity level: The drop height should be selected from the following values: (25), 50, (100), 250, (500), (1000) mm. The values in parentheses are the preferred values.
Unless otherwise specified by the standard, the test sample should be dropped twice from each specified position. The test samples need to undergo visual inspection, electrical and mechanical performance testing according to standard requirements.
3、 Drop height requirements for drop tests
There are specialized standards in the country for drop experiments, and the drop method is a free fall with one corner, three sides, and six sides. The height of the drop is determined by the weight of the product.
1. The weight of packaged goods is 0.45kg~9.54kg, with a drop height of 76.2cm;
2. The weight of packaged goods is 9.55kg~18.63kg, with a drop height of 60.96cm;
3. The weight of packaged goods is 18.64kg~27.72kg, with a drop height of 45.72cm;
4. The weight of packaged goods is 17.473g~45.45kg, with a drop height of 30.48cm;
Note: Heavy equipment should not withstand higher levels of severity.
Different standards have different drop heights for products of the same weight. Most handheld products (such as smartphones, tablets, etc.) have a drop height ranging from 100cm to 150cm, IEC recommends that handheld products weighing ≤ 2kg should have a drop height of 100cm that cannot be damaged, MIL suggests a drop height of 122cm, Intel recommends a drop height of 150cm for handheld products such as smartphones.