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Explanation of professional testing organization: how to test the capacitance of electronic components

Date:2021-04-29 15:09:00

Capacitance (or capacitance) refers to the charge storage under a given potential difference; Marked as C, the international unit is farad (f). Generally speaking, the charge will move under force in the electric field. When there is a medium between the conductors, it hinders the charge movement and makes the charge accumulate on the conductor; The most common example of cumulative charge storage is two parallel metal plates. It is also commonly known as capacitor. View >>

Experience sharing of testing institutions: detection and identification of resistance of common electronic components

Date:2021-04-29 14:23:00

As a worker in the electronics industry, resistance is well known. There is no doubt about its importance. It is said that "resistance is the most used component in all electronic circuits." Resistance, because the substance hinders the current, it is called the resistive substance under this action. Resistance will lead to the change of electron flow. The smaller the resistance, the greater the electron flow, and vice versa. A substance with no or little resistance is called an electrical conductor, or conductor for short. View >>

What items does the reliability test of electronic components include?

Date:2021-04-28 17:49:28

The detection of components is an essential basic work. How to accurately and effectively detect the relevant parameters of components and judge whether the components are normal. The test to measure, verify or improve product reliability is called reliability test. It is an important link of product reliability. In most cases, what reliability test items need to be tested? Let's take a look. View >>

What tests should be done for the quality of electronic components? X-ray detection is not unknown

Date:2021-04-28 17:26:00

At present, China's electronic processing industry is developing rapidly. At the same time, the market has higher and higher requirements for the quality of electronic products. Especially in circuit assembly, higher specifications are put forward for detection methods and technologies. The detection of components is an essential basic work. Different methods must be adopted according to different components to judge whether the components are normal or not. So what tests should be done to test the quality of electronic components? Let's have a look! View >>

Summary and analysis of five main causes of semiconductor component failure

Date:2021-04-27 16:04:37

The failure of semiconductor devices is usually due to the stress generated exceeding their maximum rating. Electrical stress, thermal stress, chemical stress, radiation stress, mechanical stress and other factors will cause device failure. Device failure will exist in the whole life cycle of the product. If there is no collection of failure information and failed devices in each stage, the failure analysis will lose the necessary "material" basis. Therefore, to carry out failure analysis, we must first establish the collection system of failure information and failed devices in the stages of development, production and engineering. The following is a summary and analysis of the five main reasons for the failure of semiconductor components! View >>

How to do chip failure analysis? Basic steps of failure analysis and brief introduction of common equipment

Date:2021-04-27 15:57:00

With the continuous improvement of people's requirements for product quality and reliability, failure analysis is becoming more and more important. In recent years, it has been popularized from military industry to ordinary enterprises. It is generally based on the failure mode and phenomenon, through analysis and verification, simulate and reproduce the failure phenomenon, find out the cause of failure, and dig out the failure mechanism. View >>

IC is hard to distinguish between true and false, charming eyes! X-ray detection makes fake components invisible

Date:2021-04-27 15:53:00

X-ray uses the cathode ray tube to produce high-energy electrons to collide with the metal target. In the process of impact, due to the sudden deceleration of electrons, the lost kinetic energy will be released in the form of X-ray. It is convenient to analyze the internal cracks and foreign matter defect detection of metal materials and parts, plastic materials and parts, electronic components, electronic components and LED components, as well as the internal displacement analysis of BGA and circuit board; Identify BGA welding defects such as empty welding and false welding, microelectronic system and adhesive sealing components, cables, fittings, internal conditions of plastic parts, etc. Counterfeit products appear in almost every industry. The problem of component counterfeiting is common, and has penetrated into the whole electronic component supply chain. Equipment manufacturers need to establish a strong defense system. View >>

Failure analysis and causes of electronic components

Date:2021-04-27 15:35:00

Circuit failure is a headache for every engineer. During the use of electronic components, failures and faults will also occur, which will affect the normal operation of the equipment. Let's learn about the failure analysis and failure causes of electronic components. If you are familiar with the fault types of components, sometimes you can quickly find the fault components through intuition, and sometimes you can find the fault through simple resistance and voltage measurement. View >>

Identification and detection of crystal diodes for electronic components

Date:2021-04-26 17:52:00

Diode is called crystal diode, which is a kind of semiconductor device, also known as semiconductor diode. The structure of crystal diode is a p-n junction structure formed by p-type nodule semiconductor and n-type nodule semiconductor. Respective space charge layers are formed on both sides of the nodule, and the equivalent of self built electric field is built. If there is no applied voltage, due to p-n  The diffusion current caused by the carrier concentration difference on both sides of the junction is equal to the drift current caused by the self built electric field. View >>

It is worth learning from! PCB reliability test method sharing

Date:2021-04-26 16:47:42

PCB circuit board is the foundation and highway of electronic components, also known as printed circuit board. It is the provider of electrical connection of electronic components. Its development has a history of more than 100 years; Its design is mainly layout design; The main advantage of using circuit board is to greatly reduce wiring and assembly errors, and improve the automation level and production labor rate. The quality of PCB is very important. To check the quality of PCB, a number of reliability tests must be carried out. This article is an introduction to testing. Let's have a look. View >>