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Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)


Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is primarily an analysis technique in which a high-energy beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen. It provides imaging with atomic-level resolution down to 0.1 nanometers, allowing the observation of material microstructures or lattice defects.

TEM can be used for analysis of material microstructure, lattice defect (dislocation), and chemical composition. With additional functions such as EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), HAADF (High-Angle Annular Dark Field) Z-contrast imaging, and stress analysis, it can provide atomic-scale structural and compositional information, solving various processing challenges.

Scope of Application:

Microstructural analysis (lattice imaging);

Analysis of crystal defects and lattice defects (dislocation);

Elemental analysis (EA);

Electron diffraction pattern analysis;

Impurity and contamination source analysis.

Testing Images:

PV-TEM defect location to XS-TEM extended distribution analysis:

LED Epitaxial Structure Analysis: observation and measurement of LED epitaxial layer structure and LED quantum well.

3D DRAM Analysis: analysis of 3D DRAM structure and 3D DRAM EDS mapping.

High-resolution TEM/EDS Analysis: 28nm HKMG transistor TEM image and 28nm HKMG transistor EDS mapping.

High-resolution TEM Image Analysis: advanced process FINFET images: high-magnification atomic images and STEM bright-field and dark-field images.

Images of Testing Equipment:

FEI Talos-F200X