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Xenon Lamp Aging Test


Xenon lamp aging testing is designed to simulate the natural sunlight and humidity damage to materials. It replicates the aging effects on materials exposed to sunlight conditions through the irradiation of a full-spectrum xenon arc lamp. The aging of products or materials is mainly affected by three factors: temperature, humidity, and light radiation. Xenon lamp aging tests use xenon arc lamps in aging chambers to provide full-spectrum radiation (UV, visible light, and infrared) to replicate the aging effects of sunlight. This test is usually applied to non-metallic materials such as rubber and plastics.

Purpose: Xenon lamp aging testing is to simulate the full-spectrum sunlight environment, reproducing the changes experienced by products under prolonged exposure to sunlight. It provides environmental simulation and accelerated aging tests for research, product development, and quality control.

Scope of Application:

Primarily used in automotive, coatings, paints, printing and packaging, pigments, textiles, roofing materials, rubber, plastics, coatings, etc.

Image of Xenon Lamp Aging Testing Equipment: